

Part five of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in a RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946

Part five of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in a RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946

I couldn’t finish the book. However, Karl French had identified one outstanding chapter. I tweaked that and prepared a pitch, synopsis and a CV. Although I had created something to show, I lacked the confidence and skill to sell the book in person. Luckily, I had my good friend, Sandra Clark, to turn to. Sandra was… Continue reading…

Part four of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in a RAMC Field Ambulance 1940 -1946

Part four of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in a RAMC Field Ambulance 1940 -1946

I felt upset and hurt, but it was a blessing in disguise. The book had taken over my life. If I wasn’t researching it, I was thinking about it. If I wasn’t thinking about it, I was writing it. If I wasn’t writing it, I was interviewing William and if I wasn’t doing that, I… Continue reading…

Building up to the London Book Fair

Hello and welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoyed Cowspiracy. It was a revelation to me but then I saw Irene, one of my regular readers. She’d heard the same message way back in the ’70s from Delia Smith and Colin Spencer. I didn’t know whether to be delighted or disappointed. Either way, we are still keen to… Continue reading…