

Live Facebook feed of Blood and Bandages launch party – 28th April 2017 at 6.45pm (BST)

Live Facebook feed of Blood and Bandages launch party – 28th April 2017 at 6.45pm (BST)

In place of this week’s final episode of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in a RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946, there will be a live Facebook feed of tonight’s book launch. To watch tonight’s events, you only need to click on the link above or copy and paste the following… Continue reading…

Part four of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in a RAMC Field Ambulance 1940 -1946

Part four of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in a RAMC Field Ambulance 1940 -1946

I felt upset and hurt, but it was a blessing in disguise. The book had taken over my life. If I wasn’t researching it, I was thinking about it. If I wasn’t thinking about it, I was writing it. If I wasn’t writing it, I was interviewing William and if I wasn’t doing that, I… Continue reading…

Part three of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in a RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946

The story had to have a heart. It also had to have a publisher. To achieve that, I needed to demonstrate that the book had 1.  a unique selling point, (USP) 2.  an engaging style, 3.  an audience, 4.  and a writer with knowledge of the publishing industry. I knew that the book had a… Continue reading…

Part two of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in a RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946.

Part two of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in a RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946.

I fudged it. I couldn’t give up scriptwriting. I loved it too much but neither could I ignore my new found obligation. Pragmatism was required, so in my naviety I just added, ‘write Bill’s book,’ to my to-do list.   I determined to give it 100% effort to match that given by those of whom… Continue reading…

Part one of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in the RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946

Part one of the inside story of writing Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in the RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946

This blog first appeared in 2017 and forms one of six parts on how I wrote Blood and Bandages. It’s designed to tell the inside story of the book to it’s many fans and also to inspire new writers to have faith in their stories, keep going despite setbacks and follow their passion. If I… Continue reading…

Blood and Bandages – Fighting for life in the RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946

Blood and Bandages – Fighting for life in the RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946

Hello. It’s great to see you. I’m sorry I’ve been gone a while but I’ve been finishing this…     William Earl’s and my book!     Do you remember back in March I posted on visiting the London Book Fair to sell the book? Well, I met three publishers and one of them, Ian… Continue reading…

Building up to the London Book Fair

Hello and welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoyed Cowspiracy. It was a revelation to me but then I saw Irene, one of my regular readers. She’d heard the same message way back in the ’70s from Delia Smith and Colin Spencer. I didn’t know whether to be delighted or disappointed. Either way, we are still keen to… Continue reading…

William Earl: Memoir of a World War Two Nursing Orderly

Hello and welcome to my blog. I’ve not posted recently, (broken ankle, nuff said), so I’m going to dive straight in with an introduction to my current writing project, William Earl: Memoir of a World War Two Nursing Orderly.       You may be familiar with the name because William contributed to the last series of,… Continue reading…

The corporate side of Shoreham Airshow

     Sorry it’s been such a long break but I’m back now with an insight into the corporate side of the Airshow.     Last month, I interviewed the delightful Colin Baker CBE, about his role within the small group of committed volunteers who organise Shoreham Airshow. Colin Baker  “When I retired in March 2013,… Continue reading…